Ateo Concepts Newsletter
June / Jully 2000
Carte SCSI pour l'AteoBus
Available in one week or two, the SCSI card for the AteoBus.
Price will be 450FF.
The card own an external SCSI port (SUB-D25) and an internal SCSI port (50pts). Good to plug a CD-Rom burner, a ZIP drive, or a scanner....
Good prices
Here it is some products with a special price.
This offer will be available for some times!
- AteoNet 1, Ethernet board for the AteoBus -> 290FF instead of 390FF
- 880Ko floppy disk for A1200 in tower case -> 180FF instead of 210FF
- 8bits stereo Audio digitalizer -> 100FF instead of 190FF
Some various products (low prices)
- OS 3.1 Floppy - 50 Frs
- 1 Manual OS 3.1 (English) - 60 Frs
- 2 Manual OS 3.1 (German) - 60 Frs
- 1 Zorro II RBM 7 slots for A1200 - 750 Frs
- 1 Medium PC tower - 390 Frs
- 1 Big PC tower - 490 Frs
- A1200 box (original) + keyboard - 100 Frs
News about Pixel64
- Picasso 2.0 works if you add the option 'SOFTSPRITE' in the icon tooltypes,
- New CyberGraphX driver for the Pixel64. Check on the CGX web site.
Infos cartes PPC
PPC cards are now available. There is a lot of request and delays are important. Place an order now to be sure to have it faster...
The scandoubleur
We are still working on it. Some problems on one component delay the production...